Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Drifting Away

(Hebrews 2:1) Therefore we must pay much closer attention to what we have heard, lest we drift away from it. 

I didn't get very far in my Bible reading this morning. I began in Chapter 2 of Hebrews and couldn't get past the first verse. This is a warning for us from God. Thoughts of a beat up old boat, floating down a river towards a devastating water fall are running through my mind. The drifting away from an objet that is firm and fixed, like a strong dock is something we need to think about this morning.

There is a command here, "we must."
"Pay much closer attention" is a phrase that is meant much like the phrase to apply myself, or to attach myself, or to tie myself around, or to adhere or glue myself to something solid and fixed.

I found this language also used in 1 Timothy 4:13-15. The use of looking at the 1 Timothy passage, is that it is helpful for us to know "how" to obey the command in Hebrews 2:1.

1 Timothy tells us to "Practice these things," "Immerse myself in these things," "Keep a close watch on myself and my teaching," and "Persist in these things."

Lets picture a small boy with his father in a boat. The father secures a rope around a steel eyelet that is bolted to the front of the boat. He then inspects the rope for any tears or blemished spots. Next he attaches the other end of the rope to a fixed point on the dock. He ties the knot in a specific way, and the boy watches. The father unties the knot and shows his son over and over again how to secure the boat to the dock. The boy watches, he pays close attention. He then practices tying the knot. Over and over again he practices. He goes down to the boat again and again, to persist in his knot tying ability. He spend hours a day sitting in the boat inspecting the rope, bolts, and eyelet. His hands have become strong with all of his practice. His eyes have become keen and able to detect even the slightest blemish in the rope. He has been in the boat during calm water and rough. The boy has paid close attention to his father and has learned the skill of securing the boat to the dock, so that he will not drift away.

How will you keep yourself from drifting away in the current of worldliness? There is a strong current that seeks to pull you away from the secure fixed dock of Jesus Christ and His Word. Immerse yourself in the Bible. Persist in your diligence. Practice the things you learn and watch yourself and your teaching, least you drift away towards a destructive and devastating water fall.

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