Thursday, January 26, 2012

Godly Grief Leads Somewhere..

(2 Corinthians 7:10) For godly grief produces a repentance that leads to salvation without regret, whereas worldly grief produces death.
As a man who didn't come to faith in Jesus until I was 30 years old, I have had much grief in my life. As far back as I can remember, I have had rebellion in my heart. I was the kind of kid that influenced other kids for the bad. I can remember many times doing rebellious and evil things even if nobody was around to influence me; the influence was right there deep in the inner sanctuary of my own heart.

I understand what Paul means when he says worldly grief. It is a grief over doing wicked and wrong things toward other people. I have had this type of grief toward my parents, my friends, my teachers, the law, and toward animals. It feels like a regret or sorts. A sorrow because of hurt I caused to another. Also it was a self focused sorrow, meaning a sorrow because at times I would get caught. I would venture to say that everyone who has lived on this planet for any amount of time has felt worldly grief. It can come in various degrees; from a slight prick to the conscience, to a wishing you were dead.

It was not until the Spirit of God moved upon my dead heart, till I understood anything about godly grief. Up till the time I became a Christian, I thought all of my sin was horizontal not vertical. When this type of grief comes upon you it is different. It may feel the same, but it has a very different object in view. When I understood that all of the sin I had committed was not ultimately toward others, but toward the God who's image all the others were made; it dropped me to my knees to scream mercy, mercy, mercy! Jesus tells us that if we give even a drink of water to a child made in his image, we are doing it for him. Which flips the other way as well and says that if we throw a cup of water in a child's face, we are splashing the Son of God. This goes for kicking, punching, stealing, lusting, envying, murdering, prompting to anger, gossiping, or any other sin we may do to another.

If you have never known anything of a godly grief, I am afraid you can not be a Christian. Godly grief produces a repentance which leads to salvation. Godly grief is a gate you have to go through, before you get to the cross, or the celestial city of heaven. Godly grief accompanies salvation. You do not turn toward Jesus for forgiveness, without turning away from the sin that caused Jesus to die. And it takes a Spirit empowered grief to lead your mind to understand that all of your deeds are done to, and in the sight of God.

Jesus sent the Holy Spirt to convict the world of sin, righteousness and the judgement to come. Pray to the Lord for His Spirit to produce in you a godly grief, which will lead you to salvation...which won't be regretted.

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