Thursday, February 23, 2012

Children Need Discipline

Proverbs 13:24
Whoever spares the rod hates his son,
but he who loves him is diligent to discipline him.

Before my wife and I were Christians, we followed the wisdom of the world in relation to the way we raised our kids. We would watch Dr. Phil, and Oprah, seeking to glean their wisdom. We were also involved with ECFE. None of those sources gave us the wisdom that we needed to parent a child to fear the Lord and walk according to his ways. We were instructed in "time outs," and "counting to three," "groundings," etc. We were told that spanking was wrong, and an old form of instruction that was no longer good or relevant. What I see now is that we were actually hating our children by not spanking them. And you can look out at vast generation of children today that have been raised up in homes who have heeded this worldly wisdom, and see what a moral down grade we as a society have slid down. 

Proverbs tells us that love for our child will motivate us to discipline them diligently. When we do not spank them when they are young, we are actually hating them instead of loving them. Spanking drives foolish far from a child. The heart of every child is pointed toward sin and selfishness. Spanking done right, will free the child from their bondage to sin. 

If you are not a parent that spanks your children and desire to start. There are many things to know first. I would recommend to you a few sources to get you started. 
1. Shepherding a Childs Heart, by Ted Tripp
2. Standing on the Promises, by Douglas Wilson

These are two sources that we have found very helpful. Disciplining your children starts with a heart change in the very core of the parent. Love your children. Be diligent to discipline them. 

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