Psalm 115:3
Our God is in the heavens; he does all that he pleases.
The God of the scriptures is personal. He is our God. This speaks of Gods immanence, His nearness, His closeness.
This speaks of the transcendence of God. He is set apart from His creation. He is not dependent upon His creation for anything. He reigns, rules, governs, and is sovereign over His creation.
God is active in creation. All that He does, He does because it pleases Him.
Have you ever thought that it would be nice to be able to do whatever you pleased? God does whatever He pleases. The difference between God doing whatever he pleases, and me doing whatever I please, is that everything that God does is good. That wouldn't be the case with me. I would probably do everything that appeared good for me, but it would most likely come at the cost of being bad for someone else.
Doing whatever we please is normally called selfishness. Doing what I want to do, because I want to do it. But is that the case with God. Is God selfish? In one sense I could understand someone thinking this, because like I said, if I only did what pleased me, it wouldn't be for the common good of society, it would be good for me. My motives are such that I would seek to do whatever brought me the most amount of pleasure. But when God does this, He does it with pure holiness, pure righteousness, pure goodness. When we do not do what pleases us the most, but what pleases God the most, God knows that this WILL in the long run bring us the most pleasure. So that if we do what pleases God, in time, our desires will become conformed to Gods desires, and we will then be doing what pleases both God and us.
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