Saturday, March 17, 2012

The Wisdom of a Fool

Proverbs 26:12 Do you see a man who is wise in his own eyes? There is more hope for a fool than for him.

As I am reading through the book of Proverbs again, it is very noticeable to me that the adult who is a fool, does not appear to have much hope. There is hope for the foolish child who is raised under the tutelage of wise parents who instruct them in the Scriptures. But if this foolish child never heeds instruction in wisdom, they will become an adult that is the fool in Proverbs. Once they become an adult that is a fool, is there still hope? The above verse tells us there is still hope for the fool. This indeed is good news. But what about the fool, who thinks he is wise?

This actually is striking. This fool, does not know they are a fool. They are a fool, who believe themselves to be wise. This type of person has even less hope than a person who is a fool, and knows that they are. A fool, who knows they are foolish, have themselves a bit of wisdom. Thus the fool is wise. But the fool who does not know they are foolish, but believes himself wise, has no apparent wisdom. This person is utterly deceived, and has no idea. Do you think yourself wise in some measure?  

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