The things that people adorn themselves with tell a lot about the heart of the person. A woman who dresses sensual, has a sensual heart. A woman who dresses revealingly, reveals that her heart desires attention, which is drawn by body parts being revealed. The man who wears tight fitting shirts, reveals their hearts desire for attention to their physique. The man who wears his pants down so far that half of his buttocks are exposed, reveal a disrespectful heart which shows him essentially giving the middle finger to all who pass him by. The Bible has many things to say about the way we adorn ourselves. Two of the adornments we should focus on are wisdom and submission.
Proverbs has much to say about adorning ourselves with wisdom. It says that "wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom" (4:7). And if we adorn ourselves with wisdom, then "she will promote you; she will bring you honor, when you embrace her. She will place on your head an ornament of grace; a crown of glory she will deliver to you" (4:9-8).
1 Peter 2 and 3 speak of adorning ourselves with submission to authority. We are to submit to every ordinance of man for the Lord's sake. Employees are to be submissive to their bosses for the Lord's sake. Wives are likewise to be submissive to their own husbands for the Lord's sake. Husbands are to be submissive to Christ and his word for the Lord's sake. And finally all of us are to submit ourselves one to another, again for the Lord's sake. This would include children to parents as well.
Adornments of wisdom and submission are "very precious in the sight of God" (1 Peter 3:4). What kind of outward clothing adornments reveal a heart of wisdom and submission to authority? Would they be any of the above mentioned styles. My statements about the heart of people in the first paragraph are generalizations. I understand there could be exceptions.
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