Saturday, March 3, 2012

Desire Without Knowledge

Proverbs 19:2a~Desire without knowledge is not good,

James 1:14-15~But each person is tempted when he is lured and enticed by his own desire. Then desire when it has conceived gives birth to sin, and sin when it is fully grown brings forth death. 

I may have mentioned this before, but I believe that we are desire driven. All that we do, we do because we desire to do it. If I have conflicting desires at war inside me; one of the desires will take the other one captive, and the action that we do, we do because the strongest desire won. We may have a desire to do some sin. But we also have a desire to obey the voice of the Lord that tells us to not sin. We will war and fight inside our own mind, until there is a champion. The champion will move the the person to action, whether to sin or righteousness.

A desire without the harness of knowledge, and the driver of wisdom, is dangerous. It is like a wild stallion that has been hitched to a wagon filled with children; destruction is sure to happen. Our desires are God given. They are not evil, or neutral. They are either good or bad. Desire without knowledge is not good. Desire with knowledge is good. So what instructs us to know whether a desire is good or bad? It is the Scriptures. The Scriptures are the morality of God, written in 66 different books, under one cover. They inform us what God is like, and what we are like. They are to harness our desires with the leather straps of knowledge, and lead them with the driver of wisdom.

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