Thursday, March 15, 2012

Impatience and Irritability

I just finished reading the chapter called "Impatience and Irritability," in Jerry Bridges book "Respectable Sins." He defines impatience as a strong sense of annoyance at the (usually) unintentional faults and failures of others. He says that our impatience then is often expressed verbally in a way that tends to humiliate the person who is the object of the impatience. The key to understanding this type of impatience, says Bridges is that "it is a response to the usually UNINTENTIONAL actions of others."

Bridges lists a couple of examples. One is that we often have impatience over the seemingly slow response of our children and teenagers to become obedient. Another is that we often are impatient as we commute to and from places in our cars. He gave an example in his own home. He said that he lives his life on a time margin. He likes to start out early, and arrive at locations in plenty of time without needing to hurry. His wife on the other hand likes to leave in just the exact amount of time. Often Bridges says he is ready and waiting for his wife to get in the car so they can leave. Then he says, "will I be patient with her, realizing that a harmonious relationship with her is more important than leaving the house at my prescribed time?"

Even though our spouses, our children, or others in general, seem to be the cause of our impatience; they merely provide the opportunity for our flesh to assert itself. Bridges says, "The cause of our impatience lies within our own hearts, in our own attitude of insisting that others around us conform to our expectation."

Irritability, says Bridges, "describes the frequency of impatience, or the ease with which a person can become impatient over the slightest provocation." If you and I often get impatient with others around us, then we are an irritable person.

Know that impatience and irritability are sins. The point of Jerry Bridges book is that Christians often are quick to point out the flagrant sins in society, but neglect these subtle and often hidden sins that lie deep within the recesses of our own hearts. Only gospel grace can bring them to the surface. Only Jesus can cleanse us from the sin of impatience and irritability.

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