Sunday, February 17, 2013

Are You Qualified To Pastor?


1 Timothy 3:1-7
It is a trustworthy statement:if any man aspires to the office of overseer, it is a fine work he desires to do. An overseer, then, must be above reproach, the husband of one wife, temperate, prudent, respectable, hospitable, able to teach, not addicted to wine or pugnacious, but gentle, peaceable, free from the love of money. He must be one who manages his own household well, keeping his children under control with all dignity (but if a man does not know how to manage his own household, how will he take care of the church of God?), and not a new convert, so that he will not become conceited and fall into the condemnation incurred by the devil. And he must have a good reputation with those outside the church, so that he will not fall into reproach and the snare of the devil.

Titus 1:5-9
For this reason I left you in Crete, that you would set in order what remains and appoint elders in every city as I directed you, namely, if any man is above reproach, the husband of one wife, having children who believe, not accused of dissipation or rebellion. For the overseer must be above reproach as God’s steward, not self- willed, not quick- tempered, not addicted to wine, not pugnacious, not fond of sordid gain, but hospitable, loving what is good, sensible, just, devout, self- controlled, holding fast the faithful word which is in accordance with the teaching, so that he will be able both to exhort in sound doctrine and to refute those who contradict.

Titus 2:1-2
But as for you, speak the things which are fitting for sound doctrine. Older men are to be temperate, dignified, sensible, sound in faith, in love, in perseverance.

Exodus 18:21
Furthermore, you shall select out of all the people able men who fear God, men of truth, those who hate dishonest gain.

- above reproach (unable to be blamed for anything, un-reproachable)
- the husband of one wife (a man who is devoted to his one bride, which resembles the Church; maybe un-divorced)
- a man
- men who hate lies (a discerning man who makes distinctions between truth and error)
- men who love the truth (a lover of the truth lives by the truth and speaks the truth)
- having children who believe, not accused of dissipation or rebellion (submissive children who do not rebel against the man or the message the man is teaching and living)
- not self-willed (not looking to push his own adjenda but God's adjenda)
- not quick-tempered
- a lover of what is good (a hater of what is evil, bad and wrong)
- just (a righteous man)
- devout (a holy and pious man)
- self-controlled (has a strong master of one-self)
- holding fast faithfully to the word (to hold on to during opposition)
- temperate (sober, expecially in regards to wine)
- prudent (self-controlled and of a sound mind)
- respectable (orderly)
- hospitable (a lover of strangers)
- able to teach
- able to speak forth sound doctrine to those opposed to it
- not addicted to wine or pugnacious (not a drunk or a striker)
- gentle (fair minded, mild, patient)
- peaceable (abstains from fighting or quarreling)
- free from the love of money (a content and non-coveteous man)
- must manage his own household well
- not a new convert
- must have a good reputation with those outside the church

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