Friday, October 14, 2011

Blabbin' about Bloggin'

Yesterday I read a blog from one of John Pipers sons named Barnabas. The name of the article is called "Your Greatest Fear. You can read it here. Barnabas's Blog: Your Greatest Fear

The article got me thinking of how you can use your sinful "fear of man" for something good. You see, I have started and not finished many things in my life. Especially in the category of "personal study." I have started and not finished too many books to count. A lot of times, I will begin something without being able to know if I will finish or not. Sometimes this may not be too bad of a thing. I do not seem to have the ability in me to "see" the "end of the matter" very well. I need to jump in and swim for a while to see what the water is like.

But for a couple of months, I have been blabbin' about bloggin'. My family and I are at a stage where we are having babies again, have spent the summer trying to find a smaller and closer Church than Bethlehem, and so have found ourselves not connected to God's people as we were. In addition to that, I have not been using certain passions I have to the glory of God.

I wondered if starting a blog and sharing my thoughts that I have while spending time with Christ in the morning, would be something God would want me to do. So I used my sinful "fear of man," to get me started, and help keep me persevering each morning.

I sent out an email to some friends and family to tell them I was beginning a blog. Maybe none of them are reading what I write, but what it did do was give me a sense of "being accountable" to them. If I do not persevere and continue to write blogs because of my fear of God, maybe I will continue because of my fear of man.

So then each of us will give an account of himself to God. (Romans 14:12 ESV)

We are accountable to God. Are there ways you can use your sinful fear of man, to help you do something to bring Glory to the One whom alone should be feared?

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