(1 Peter 3:8a) Finally, all of you, have unity of mind,
(Proverbs 28:26a) Whoever trusts in his own mind is a fool,
I am sitting at my desk this morning and pondering again the Proverbs passage. If I trust in my own mind, I am a fool. Does this mean that I am not to trust in the basic reliability of my senses? Yes and no. I think it means I am not to trust my senses in an ultimate sense. My senses are good and God given, but I am not to trust that they are the standard or the source of truth.
Again, I read that if I am trusting (in the ultimate sense) in my own mind, I am a fool. OK. So now, you come down in my office and sit down across from me. You read the same verse I am looking at. You read that if you trust in your own mind, you are a fool. So now I know that I can not trust in my own mind, and you know you are not to trust in your own mind. Am I to then look across to you and trust in your mind? Why would I? You yourself just found out that you couldn't trust in your mind, why should I trust in your mind? Now say the rest of my family came down here and read the same verse. How about one by one everyone in the state of Minnesota? Everyone in the country? The world? Get my drift?
Lets go farther. I pull the theologian Jonathan Edwards off of my shelf and begin to read what he has to say. I have his mind in front of me even though he is long dead. Do I trust in his mind? How about if I pull Plato's writings from the internet? What about I bring my Bible and go sit in front of your Pastor? The Pope? The writings of Mohammad? The Chinese philosopher Confucius? Wikipedia? The local news reporter?
How do we obey 1 Peter 3:8, and have unity of mind? There are so many different opinions of what truth is, how could you and I and all of the world have unity of mind? Well it seems to me that we would have to unify around one source of truth as the standard. One persons mind.
I am a Christian. I am one because God awakened my mind to see that it was bankrupt. It was unable to lead me to truth. He shows me daily that neither my mind, or anyone else's mind is the source of truth, except Jesus Christ. You must trust in someones mind? Who's will it be?
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