What kind of traditions do you have in your home? The Scribes and Pharisees had a tradition of washing their hands and feet before they performed any of their duties. Then they assumed this tradition as law, and looked down at others as though they were in sin for not following the same traditions as themselves. They elevated their tradition to the same level (if not higher) as God's commandments.
The Pharisees had traditions of making vows to God. They would evidently vow a certain portion of their belongings to the temple. Then time would pass, and their parents would be unable to care or provide for themselves. Even though the fifth commandment (honor your father and mother) prescribes a son or daughter to care for their parents needs when they are unable, the Pharisee would say they were unable because their money was vowed to God. Thus they have just made void the Word of God, for the sake of their traditions.
Jesus does not agree with the way in which the Pharisees elevated their traditions above the commandments of God. He rebukes them by quoting Isaiah 29:13..
"This people honors me with their lips, but their heart is far from me; in vain do they worship me, teaching as doctrines the commandments of men."What kind of traditions do you have in your home? Will any of the traditions you have, cause you or your family to violate a commandment of God in order to follow your tradition?
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