Saturday, January 28, 2012

Two Masters- Sin and Righteousness

(Romans 6:1-23; Romans 6:11) So you must consider yourselves dead to sin and alive to God in Christ Jesus.
The battle has been raging ever since you could remember. You look out across the field of blood to your opponent clothed in white. His warriors are strong and powerful. You lay your face back down in the mud, you feel the ache from head to toe from the wounds inflicted upon you by your own master. You wonder if this may be the last day you will ever have to lift your heavy sword against the warriors of light, or feel another lash across your body from the hand of your own cruel master. Your sword is a few inches from your fingertips. You hear the panting and the growling of your master coming behind you. He calls out your name and you do not move. "Stand and fight you worthless slave." You feel the ground move from each step he takes towards you. You hear the sound of a snap from your masters belt, which you have come to learn, is the last noise you hear before you feel the slash of yet another whip across your worn out body.

He unleashes a furry of blows, which causes every nerve in your body to scream out for relief. Though you long to scream out in pain, you force your mouth and your body to remain still. Sin calls out your name again, lifts your chin with his gnarly and bloody fingers, and calls you a worthless, good for nothing slave. You feel his boot crush your ribs as he kicks you for the last time. You hear your master curse your name as he leaves you for dead.

As you lay, covered in your own blood, aching from every inch of your body; light begins to form good and righteous thoughts in your mind. You are dead to sin, yet you are alive to...

You hear another set of heavy footsteps approaching you. You force yourself to remain still, and breath with slow and unnoticeable movements. You hear another Master call your name, "Son, you have considered yourself dead to sin. Awake and consider yourself alive to God in Christ Jesus."

You lay still for a few moments, considering the words you just heard. You have been fighting this opponent your whole life time and wonder what it will be like be for Him and not against Him. The battle ceases in your mind as you lift your head out of the grime, and make eye contact with the One called Righteousness. He says to you, "Son, no one can serve two masters." "Do you not know that if you present yourself to anyone as obedient slaves, you are slaves of the one whom you obey, either of sin, which leads to death, or of obedience, which leads to righteousness?"

You ponder His statement for a moment, and force yourself to your knees to bow before the One whom offers you a new life. For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.

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