Now these Jews were more noble than those in Thessalonica; they received the word with all eagerness, examining the Scriptures daily to see if these things were so. (Acts 17:11)

My wife and oldest daughter started doing a Bible study this week together. One of the first studies they did mentioned about the necessity of being like the Bereans. The Jews mentioned in the verse above were the Bereans.
This got me thinking about
eagerness. Have you ever been eager for some event? My children will wait at the window for people to come over that they love. They will do nothing else but wait eagerly. Now if these people that they love are bringing things that they love (like Birthday presents), my children are really eager.
Do you approach the Scriptures this way? We should. We are coming to a book written by someone that we love. And it is filled with promises that are better than any temporary present.

As you open your Bibles today, open it with eagerness. Anticipate that the One who is good, will teach you something that is good. That will be useful for not only today, but for eternity.
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