Monday, November 14, 2011

Voices from Heaven

And a cloud overshadowed them, and a voice came out of the cloud, “This is my beloved Son; listen to him.”
(Mark 9:7 ESV)

There is a song called "Written on the Wall" by a Christian artist named Todd Agnew. The chorus for the song goes like this...

I wish you still spoke, through burning bushes.
And I wish you still wrote, on blocks of stone.
Cuz the sound of this world's deafening,
And I'm having a hard time listening,
And I wish your will was still written on the wall.

Earlier in my Christian walk I was more charismatic than I am now. I would ask for signs from God. I would want him to do some experiential thing for me so that I would know what he wanted me to do, or maybe just that he loved me and cared for me. I guess I am not really sure why I would ask God for such things. I guess I was much like Gideon.

Anyhow, I was reading the account of the "Transfiguration" in Mark 9 this morning, and something struck me as funny. Imagine in all of my asking God for signs and voices to come to me personally from heaven, God did speak to me. He spoke strait from a cloud in a clear and precise way. His voice said to me, like he said to Peter, James and John, "Jesus is my beloved Son, listen to him."

So here I am, wanting a personal revelation, just for me. And God's voice says to me, "listen to Jesus."

Thankfully this is where I have landed. God has indeed spoken to me from heaven, He has communicated to me through the Prophets, the Apostles, and through His beloved Son Jesus. I still ask God to speak to me, but I am no longer needing to hear a voice other than the words communicated to me through the Scriptures.

If you received a letter from me in the mail, would that form of communication be sufficient for you to know my thoughts? The thoughts I wanted to share anyway? Actually this is the same form of communication I am using to you right now. You are reading my thoughts. I am communicating to you in hopefully a clear and somewhat precise way.

Imagine your great, great, great, grandmother buried a steel box in the ground. The box was found under the place where her house used to be. Inside the box was a letter addressed to "My Beloved Great, Great, Great Grandchild." "The year is 1840. I want to share some thoughts with you that will be helpful for your life." Even though your ancient relative didn't know your name, would you doubt that the words she shared were meant for you?

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