Monday, November 21, 2011

Who Defines Marriage?

Who defines marriage? Our nation and our world is seeking to redefine marriage. So people get together and decide that it would best for humanity to define marriage as an institution between just two people; no longer between a man and a woman. How do we decide this? We vote on it. Majority wins. This is the way humanity seeks to discover and define what is right and what is wrong.

This way of discovering right from wrong, truth from error permeates our culture. When I just typed in a google search to define a particular word, the first search source came up from Wikipedia. What is Wikipedia? An online dictionary that defines words based on what anybody and everybody decides is the truth. If you want to help define the word, you may with Wikipedia. It used to be we would look to the experts to define words, someone skilled and trained like Noah Webster. Those days seem to be over.

Does anybody have the right to say to the majority, that they are wrong? I believe there is, and His name is Jesus Christ. He is asked a question in Mark 10 about divorce, is it lawful for a man to divorce his wife? That's a good question, and you'll have to read Mark 10 for yourself to find out the answer. But I want you to note where Jesus goes for His answer.

He goes to Genesis chapter 2 to not only answer the question posed to Him, but to define for them and us, the institution of marriage. "But from the beginning of creation, God made them male and female. Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh. So they are no longer two but one flesh. What therefore God has joined together, let not man separate."

If we as a nation redefine marriage as just between two people independent of what sex they are, is this good for humanity? It is only good if "you believe" that letting the humans race die off one generation after another is good. Is is good, because there are some people who "want" to do it? If I "want" to murder you, it it ok, just because I want to?

Wait a minute, I'm letting you define "good" by what you "believe," is good, or what you "want" to be good. Is this the way we discover what is "good," or did Jesus define goodness as well?

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