A quick fly over of Daniel chapter 2~
After Daniels three years of training, he is tested along with all the others. He and his friends stand out among all. The King has them stand in his presence. A while later, King Nebuchadnezzar has a dream. He calls all of the Magicians, Enchanters, Sorcerers, and Wise Men before his presence and asks them to interpret it. But he not only asks them to interpret the dream, he asks them to tell him his dream without him telling them what it is.
None are able to fulfill the Kings request so he orders them all to be killed. Daniel and his friends are in the same camp as the rest of the above group of people, so he and his friends will also be killed.
Daniel makes a request before the King to have more time. Then Daniel calls a little prayer meeting and tells his friends to seek mercy from God. Daniel then goes to bed. In the night God reveals the dream and the interpretation to Daniel. Daniel then goes before the King and tells him his very detailed dream, and the interpretation. The King listens intently to the entire explanation from Daniel. At the end of it, the King pays homage to Daniel, falls on his face before him and has incense brought in to offer it to Daniel.
What an event! I am wondering, is this (the interpretation of the dream) something you or I could have done? I think not. Daniel's faith is worth meditating on and mimicking. But I do not have the gift of dream interpretation like Daniel did. It says in Daniel 1:17 that Daniel had understanding in all visions and dreams.
What have you been gifted to do? This account tells us of the amazing faith of Daniel. Also it tells us of the Amazing God we serve. This account is a vivid example of the Omniscience of God. It says elsewhere in the Bible that God knows our thoughts. This is showing that God not only can know our thoughts, but can give to us thoughts, and share with others what those thoughts are. God gave Nebuchadnezzar thoughts in a dream form. King Nebby didn't share those thoughts with anyone. God revealed those same thoughts to Daniel, and explained to Daniel what those thoughts meant. Daniel believed God could do this, and it was part of Daniels gifting to trust God would show him.
What have you been gifted to do? Daniel used his gift to save the life of himself and his friends. He also used his gift to bring glory to the God who gave him his gift. How could you use whatever gift God has given you to save the life of someone? Maybe a prayer? Maybe an act of mercy? Maybe an explanation of a text of Scripture? Maybe a rebuke? An Exhortation? How could you use this same gift to bring glory to the One who gave it to you?
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