Merry Christmas!

Psalm 127:3 (NASB)Behold, children are a gift of the LORD; The fruit of the womb is a reward. The season of Christmas is upon us again, and it has me thinking about gifts. Many of us will gather together in the homes of loved ones. We will spend time sharing a meal and many memories together. No doubt many will find some time to huddle near a green pine tree with gifts below as plentiful as the needles we pick off the carpet come January.
We call these things under the tree “gifts,” but are they? I am not suggesting for a moment that the things under your trees are not gifts, they are. But do we call a gift a gift only by the immediate pleasure they give us the moment we open the package? The Bible says that children are a gift from the Lord. The fruitful womb of a woman, brings forth a reward. The God of Heaven and Earth has blessed us with our fourth gift this year. Elsa Joy was born on October 18th. Samuel our son is now 1 1/2, Rylee is 10 and Ali is 12. We still home educate our children. There are many blessings we experienced this year. One is that our oldest daughter Ali was baptized in May. She not only wrote and memorized her own testimony, she had to speak it in front of a congregation of on lookers. We are very thankful for the grace she received from God to make it through. Rylee has been excelling in school this year and we also are thankful for this. Samuel of course has made huge steps of growth this year. He is "all boy;" he loves cars, tractors and our dog Buddy. And our most recent blessing, the new life of our beautiful baby girl Elsa Joy. All children are a gift from the Lord, and this especially includes the first gift which made this season called Christmas. The gift to this world of the baby born in a manger, the baby Jesus.
May Jesus find each of you searching for Him this season, as he will never cast out one who comes to Him in repentance and faith.
The Davids
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