Friday, December 23, 2011

Why The Virgin Birth Is Important

Isaiah 7:14 Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign. Behold the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel. 

The virgin birth was a miracle. It defied the natural laws of science. Praise God for this! But why is the virgin birth necessary for Christianity?

Romans chapter 5 teaches that sin entered into the world through one man Adam. Then death spread to all through the seed (read sperm) of the man. All people who have ever walked on this earth have been born by a sperm seed. A sinful heart is placed into each child born through this seed. I guess it is sort of like this: that just like rooted in the DNA of every human being is humanness, so every human DNA has a root of sinfulness embedded in the seed as well. I think that's what it means by saying our nature is sinful. You and I may not be as sinful as we could be, yet neither are we as holy as we should be. The reason for this is because when we were conceived, through the sperm of the man, we inherited a sinful nature.

This is why the virgin birth is essential for Christianity. Because by Jesus being conceived in the womb of Mary, not by the seed of Joseph, but by the holy seed of God; the sinful nature of humanness was bypassed. So Jesus, being fully human, yet fully holy; became the God/Man who alone could live a perfect life on this earth.

It is appointed once for a man to die, and then comes judgement. When you and I pass from this life, we will stand in the courtroom of God's holiness. The requirement for entering heaven is perfect obedience to the law of God. When you stand there on that day, either you must be holy, or you must be trusting in One who is. And because of the virgin birth, Jesus of Nazareth is the only one who can remain standing in the courtroom.

Merry Christmas!

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